Story :)

Monday 20 June 2011

Extract #1

Here's a little extract from my novel :)

Emily Miller loved Liam Crombie.

It was an irrevocable fact. She loved everything about him- his soft brown eyes, his lazy smile, the way his ash brown hair swept across his eyes. In her mind, he was perfect. She believed their souls were intertwined; that they were destined to be together. They’d always been close, even when they were children. She could still vaguely recall hazy afternoons in the thick heat of summer where they’d played on the Meadows together while their mothers had sipped Pimms and traded gossip about their neighbours. Then, as they’d grown up, their childhood friendship had blossomed into romance- not that anyone had really been surprised, of course. After all, they could see how well-suited they were; her with her sparkling green eyes and sweet smile and he with the slight swagger in his step and love in his eyes whenever she was around.
“He’s totally different when you’re with him dear,” his mother would say whenever she came round for tea. Emily would simply blush and laugh it off, saying it was just because they were close. Then one day, when they were fifteen, they went for a walk across the Meadows, the large park that lay just across from his house. It had been a warm night with just a gentle breeze playing in amongst her golden blonde curls. She remembered him even then, clear as day. He’d been wearing a red Ed Hardy T-shirt that she’d helped him pick out from House of Fraser and a pair of black Chuck Taylors. He’d looked wonderful. As they’d been sitting on a park bench, watching the world amble slowly by them, he’d turned to her and looked right into her eyes.
“You know I love you don’t you?” he’d said in a soft voice. It had been quiet, with only the gentle hush of a few stray leaves blowing along the ground breaking the silence.
“You know I love you too?” she’d replied. He’d nodded and their lips had met in a tender embrace. Emily liked to remember it happening with a sort of finality; like it had been a culmination of years of feelings and that nothing would ever be the same again. Which, of course, it wouldn’t be.

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